Clayton Harper, Author at The KC Estate Planner, LLC - Page 6 of 11

What are the Benefits of Having a 529 Plan?

Have you ever heard of a 529 plan? If not, don’t worry, you aren’t alone. However, if you intend to include education planning for your children or grandchildren as a part of your estate plan, you may want to learn more about them.

The Importance of Planning for Incapacity

One of the most common mistakes is assuming that estate planning is just about writing trusts and wills to ensure that property is distributed based on your wishes after you pass away. In many situations, incapacity planning is overlooked completely. However, it is often essential because it helps address what happens if you can’t handle […]

The Top 4 Reasons You May Need a Trust

Do you really need a trust? This is a question that many people struggle with. While there are several reasons why you could have a trust, but if you really need one is dependent on your specific situation.

The Most Common Trust Mistakes You Need to Avoid

Does your estate plan include a trust? If so, this is more common than you may think. A trust can help your loved ones avoid the probate process after you pass, while providing for your minor children or any children you have with special needs. In some cases, a trust can even help to reduce […]